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Gate Values
Love God: For us to experience life as God intends we need to love God. It is part of God’s plan that we love him with everything in us and that we live out of that love. (Matthew 22:37 & Romans 8:38-39)
Love Others: Loving others is the only way to keep the God-kind of life flowing through you. God's love is a gift to us; it's in us, but we need to release it to others through words and actions. (John 13:34-35 & 1 John4:11-12.)
Connect with God: We connect with God by first accepting His Son Jesus Christ as our personal Savior. (Romans 10:9 & Romans 5:1)
Connect with Others: We connect with others by accepting them just as they are. We are family! (Acts 2:46-47 & Ecclesiastes 4:9-12)
Serve God: with our time, worship, prayer, and giving to glorify the kingdom of God. Joshua 22:5 & John 12:26
Serve Others: Serve the community by investing in the future generations, building lasting relationships, developing leaders, and meeting our community at their point of need.Mark 10:43-45 &Matthew 25:35-36
Purpose of Ministry
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